Contract registration
This section provides detailed information on the endpoints that can be used to create and manage contracts. Contracts can be any type of documents with custom set of fields/elements.
It includes examples of API requests with mandatory and optional fields, a comprehensive list of all available fields, common responses, and error descriptions.
To create contract:
Path: {{baseUrl}}
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: Bearer Token
To update contract:
HTTP Method: PUT
Path: {{baseUrl}}
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: Bearer Token
API requests example
Unique number of communication. It is used for risk assessment callback. This field can store up to 256 characters.
Example: ComNr_000321
Name of the system requesting web service.
Example: financial_institution
Important: This field is only be included when using batch API.
Element is used to create/update data of the contract. As this field is not mandatory and if not provided, CREATE
values is set as default.
ing, all data will be replaced with newly received one
Enum class values: CREATE
Example: UPDATE
A contract is active or not.
Example: true
Type of contract for evaluation of the object.
💡 Possible values will be updated during configuration period.
💡 [AdditionalProperty] fields should be validated against classifier.
Unique external contract identifier. The identifier corresponds to the contract identifier in the financial institution
Example: any_contract_1232
Contract code or number.
Example: REG74121101
External customer identifier. The identifier corresponds to the client’s identifier in the financial institution.
Example: cust_1232
External account identification number. Corresponds to the account’s identifier in the financial institution.
Example: Acc_0011
This parameter is mandatory only for clients utilizing a multi-organizational solution. ❗Omit this parameter unless instructed about it.❗ It serves to specify the unique identifier for the business unit. Business units are logical groupings of users and data. Each business unit can have its own set of users, permissions, and data access rules. (Upcoming feature)
Contract start date or any other date that covers starting point.
Example: 2000-01-03
Contract end date or any other date that covers ending point.
Example: 1995-05-24
Additional properties for contract.
List of possible responses
This part lists common responses after the submission of the request.
List of possible errors
This section lists the possible errors that can occur when making a bad account request to the API. A bad request is a request that somehow does not follow the API specifications.
Error Description |
extId is mandatory |
code is mandatory |