Validate batch of operations without saving

This method sends data only for validating JSON and does not create any assessments in Amlyze.


Path: {{baseUrl}}/amlyze-ws-rest/validate-batch-operations

ContentType: application/json

Authorization: Basic Auth/Bearer Token

Validate batch of operations with saving

This method sends data and creates assessments in Amlyze.


Path: {{baseUrl}}/amlyze-ws-rest/batch-operations

ContentType: application/json

Authorization: Basic Auth/Bearer Token

⚠️ Warning: Operations evaluation and screening not available in this service.

API requests example

Available operation types

SEPA operation

SWIFT operation

PIS operation

INTERNAL operation

CARD_PAYMENT operation

CARD_CASH operation

CASH incoming operation

CASH outgoing operation



CRYPTO operation


List of possible responses

200 OK
  "results": [
      "resultType": "REQUEST_ACCEPTED",
      "communicationNumber": "SepaComNumber0",
      "operationExtId": "SepaExtId0",
      "businessUnit": "businessUnit0",
      "timeElapsedMs": 203
      "resultType": "REQUEST_ACCEPTED",
      "communicationNumber": "SwiftComNumber0",
      "operationExtId": "SwiftExtId0",
      "businessUnit": "businessUnit1",
      "timeElapsedMs": 203
  "timeElapsedMs": 408

200 OK
  "results": [
      "resultType": "REQUEST_ACCEPTED",
      "communicationNumber": "SepaComNumber0",
      "operationExtId": "SepaExtId0",
      "businessUnit": "businessUnit0",
      "timeElapsedMs": 203
      "resultType": "REQUEST_REJECTED",
      "communicationNumber": "SwiftComNumber0",
      "operationExtId": "SwiftExtId0",
      "businessUnit": "businessUnit1",
      "errorCode": "O005",
      "errorDescription": "Operation with given OperationExtId already exists in Amlyze",
      "timeElapsedMs": 20
  "timeElapsedMs": 223

400 Bad Request (Invalid json body)
  "timestamp": "2024-05-26T16:49:50.237+00:00",
  "status": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "path": "/amlyze-ws-rest/batch-operations"

500 Internal Server Error
  "errorCode": "500",
  "errorDescription": "Processing failed",
  "timeElapsedMs": 172

List of possible errors

This section lists the possible errors that can occur when making a bad request to the API. A bad request is a request that somehow does not follow the API specifications.

Error Description
CommunicationNumber is mandatory
RiskManagementCategory is mandatory
RiskManagementCategory does not exist in amlyze
Requester is mandatory
SourceOfRiskLevel is mandatory, allowed values: IMPORT / EVALUATE
OperationExtId is mandatory
OperationType is mandatory
Problem with OperationType (INVALID). INVALID is not defined in Amlyze. Check Operation type classifier for available values
Currency is mandatory, check Currency classifier codes for allowed values
Currency is mandatory, check Currency classifier codes for allowed values
SourceCountry is mandatory, check country classifier codes for allowed values
DestinationCountry is mandatory, check country classifier codes for allowed values
Description is mandatory
Problem with OperationType (SEPA). Problem with OperationParties. No operation party account related to your institution BIC, or Customer
Invalid FinancialFlowDirection. Your institution CREDITOR found for OUTGOING operation
Problem with OperationType (SEPA). Problem with OperationParties. Invalid count of your institution operation parties for SEPA operationType