Validate batch of customers without saving

This method sends data only for validating JSON and does not create any assessments in Amlyze.


Path: {{baseUrl}}/amlyze-ws-rest/validate-batch-customers

ContentType: application/json

Authorization: Basic Auth/Bearer Token

Validate batch of customers with saving

This method sends data and creates assessments in Amlyze.


Path: {{baseUrl}}/amlyze-ws-rest/batch-customers

ContentType: application/json

Authorization: Basic Auth/Bearer Token

⚠️ Warning: Customers evaluation and screening not available in this service.

The minimalistic request represents customer with the minimum required fields.

API requests example

Available customer types



List of possible responses

List of possible errors

This section lists the possible errors that can occur when making a bad customer request to the API. A bad request is a request that somehow does not follow the API specifications.

Error CodeError Description
AV07Bad value for TIMESTAMP (format: ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ’) valueCode: lastonlinesupport
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: CompanyAssetValue
C016.I06Problem with field for INDIVIDUAL type customer. CitizenshipCountry not found in Amlyze
C008.I02When source of risk level IMPORT. ‘Lead’ risk management category is forbidden
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: LastName
SCR01Screening process is undefined: NOT_EXISTS
Q004.ADR02Problem with Address (index: 0 ). Country is mandatory and must exist in Amlyze
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: SecondCitizenshipCountry
C017.C016.RE01Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Relation type is mandatory
Q014.RC01Problem with PaymentCountry (index: 0 ). PaymentCountry not found in Amlyze
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: NumberOfEmployees
AV07Bad value for BOOLEAN (values: true false’) valueCode: isvip
C012ApplicationDate is mandatory
C002CustomerExtId is mandatory
Q002.DOC06Problem with Customer BusinessEntityDocument index = 0 . DocumentIssueCountry is mandatory and must exist in Amlyze
Q017.COTP01CountryOfTaxPayment (index: 0 ). CountryOfTaxPayment not found in Amlyze
C007RiskManagementCategory does not exist in Amlyze
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: LicenseDescription
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: NumberOfAudits
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: FirstName
C017.C016.RE08.DOC03CountryOfTaxPayment (index: 0 ). CountryOfTaxPayment not found in Amlyze
C016.I08PermanentResidenceCountry not defined in Amlyze
FOA02PensionCountry is invalid
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: RegionOfActivityDescription
C016.I06BirthCountry not defined in Amlyze
C013aClosingDate can not exist for not CLOSED CustomerStatus
C013ClosingDate is mandatory for CLOSED CustomerStatus
C017.C016.RE08.DOC01Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Problem with BusinessEntityDocuments (index: 0 ). EntityType is mandatory. values : INDIVIDUAL, ORGANIZATION
C017.C016.RE06.Co2Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Problem with Contact (index: 0 ). ContactDetails is mandatory
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: Title
AV07Bad value for INTEGER valueCode: number_users
C017.O01For ORGANIZATION type customer Title is mandatory
C010EntityType is mandatory
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: PermanentResidenceCountry
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: LegalForm
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: ThirdPartyServicesUsedDescription
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: BirthCountry
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: GIIN
C017.C016.RE01Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Relation type is not defined in Amlyze
C004Cannot update not existing customer, use Action = CREATE
C017.C016.RE03Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Country not defined in Amlyze
C017.C016.RE02Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). EntityType is mandatory
REGRegistrationCountry must exist in Amlyze
C017.C016.RE06.Co1Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Problem with Contact (index: 0 ). ContactType is mandatory. values: MOBILEPHONE, FIXEDPHONE, EMAIL, WEBSITE
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: EstablishmentDate
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: PeriodsOfAuditsInYears
C017.C016.AV07Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 1 ). bad value for BOOLEAN (values: true false’) valueCode: is_related_to_Lithuania
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: OrganizationalStructureDescription
C007RiskManagementCategory is mandatory
C017.C016.RE06.ADR02Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Problem with Address (index: 0 ). AddressType is not defined in amlyze
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: LEI
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: Title
FOA01FieldOfActivity.Student.Country is invalid
C016.I08SecondCitizenshipCountry not defined in Amlyze
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: FirstName
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: CitizenshipCountry
C015Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: BirthDate
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: TradingName
C017.C016.RE05Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 1 ). LegalForm not found in Amlyze
C014Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: ActivityInRestrictedRegionDescription
Q009.CA01Problem with CountryOfActivity (index: 1 ). CountryOfActivity not found in Amlyze