Customer import - Organization Simplified
This section provides information on how to generate a Simplified Customer for organizations.
Simplified Customer submission contains less Mandatory fields than a regular Customer, therefore workflows for these two separate servers differ.
-> Simplified customers contain a minimum ammount of identifying information and KYC data;
-> If needed - Simplified customers goes through Screening workflow;
-> Simplified Customer can be updated to become a regular Customer, but Regular Customer cannot be downgraded to a Simplified Customer;
Below are examples of API requests with mandatory and optional fields, a comprehensive list of all available fields, common responses and error descriptions.
Path: {{baseUrl}}
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: Bearer Token
API requests examples
Unique number of communication. It is used for risk assessment callback. This field can store up to 256 characters.
Example: Test_ComNr_002mHzZZ
Name of the system requesting web service.
Example: Amlyze
❗Mandatory field for clients utilizing a multi-organizational solution. Omit this parameter unless instructed about it.
It serves to specify the unique identifier for the business unit. Business units are logical groupings of users and data. Each business unit can have its own set of users, permissions, and data access rules.
Code of risk management category of the object. Value must be from a classifier list personalized to your company.
Predefined risk level of imported customer.
Enum class values: NONE
Example: LOW
Customer’s predefined status represents the current standing or state of a customer’s relationship with a business or organization
Enum class values: PENDING
- Customer application is received but not yet prepared for upcoming workflow
- Customer is onboarded and ready for workflow
- the customer for some reasons was rejected before opening an account for him
- Customer’s activities for some reasons are restricted
- Customer’s profile is disabled
Example: ACTIVE
Notifies about customer type.
Unique external customer identifier. This identifier corresponds to the client’s identifier in the financial institution.
Example: cust_1232
Date when customer first applied.
Example: 2020-01-03
Title of organization entity.
Example: UAB "BrotherHood"
Defines which lists to check during screening process. Strings of the list are noted in the dropdown below.
Birth country of the related entity.
Example: LT
Legal form of the organization.
Example: LTD
Date of application approval.
Example: 2023-10-01
Date of birth of individual entity
Example: 2000-01-01
National code or national identification number of individual. If a country does not issue national code, any other unique identifier can be used:
Passport number
Social security number of person
A number of taxpayer or registration certificate of the company, etc
A number of taxpayer or registration certificate of the company
Example: 50001010022
Description of entity activity.
Example: Financial activity
Description of business entities’ activities in a restricted region.
Value: Logistics
Identification for whether a person is sanctioned.
Example: false
An indication of the existence of information on adverse media about the entity.
Example: true
An indication of the existence of information on internal list about the entity.
Example: true
Identification for whether a person is politically exposed.
Example: true
Global intermediary identification number.
Example: GIN548745122
LEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier, which is a unique code used to identify legal entities that participate in financial transactions.
Example: LEI54511548
Indicator for actual address declaration.
Example: true
Indicator for actual address declaration.
Example: false
Description of income source of the entity.
Example: Job salary
Source of initial deposit.
Example: Dividends
Bank of the initial deposit
Example: TBC
Account of initial deposit
Example: LT0089500500000070
Amount of initial deposit.
Example: 8500.48
This currency field notifies about initial deposit currency.
Example: EUR
Indicator for cash being the main income source.
Example: true
Indicator for the business entity being audited.
Example: true
The number of times a business entity has been audited
Example: 3
The number of years that are in question for being audited.
Example: 1
Description of organization structure.
Example: Hierarchical
Check for multi-layer organizational structure.
Example: true
Whether entity is financial institution.
Example: true
Whether entity is managed directly.
Example: false
Whether entity has no major shareholders involved.
Example: false
The number of employees in the company.
Example: 25
Value of companies assets.
Example: 100000
Whether entity has fines.
Example: false
The number of years that are in question for being fined.
Example: 3
Indicator for the business entity is listed in stock exchange companies.
Example: false
Indicator for the business entity being regulated by third-party authorities.
Example: false
Whether entity activity requires license.
Example: false
Business entities license description.
Example: Licence No.4012
Indicator whether entity is white/black listed.
Enum class values: WHITE
Example: WHITE
❗Mandatory only when customerStatus
. Not used when customerStatus
Example: 1995-05-24
Indicator if the customer is being litigated.
Example: false
Whether client is using third party services.
Example: true
Description of third party services.
Example: Hosting
Description of the region for activities.
Example: Customer service
List of possible responses
This part lists common responses after the submission of the request.
List of possible errors
This section lists the possible errors that can occur when making a bad customer request to the API. A bad request is a request that somehow does not follow the API specifications.
Error Description |
ActivityType is mandatory |
ActivityType must be defined in Amlyze |
AddressType is mandatory. |
AddressType is not defined in Amlyze. |
Country is mandatory and can’t be empty |
Country is mandatory and must exist in Amlyze |
AdditionalValue.Code is mandatory |
AdditionalValue.Description is mandatory |
AdditionalValue.Value is mandatory |
AdditionalValue.Datatype is mandatory |
Duplicate code in additionalValues |
Bad datatype valueCode: |
Bad value for valueCode: |
Bad value for (format: ‘yyyy-MM-dd’) valueCode: |
Bad value for (format: ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ’) valueCode: |
Bad value for (values: true false’) valueCode: |
EntityType is mandatory. values: INDIVIDUAL, ORGANIZATION |
DocumentNumber is mandatory. |
DocumentIssueDate is mandatory. |
DocumentIssueCountry is mandatory and must exist in Amlyze |
DocumentIssueAuthority is mandatory |
CustomerExtId is mandatory. |
DELETE not yet implemented, contact Amlyze support |
Customer already exists |
Cannot update not existing customer, use Action = CREATE |
Requester is mandatory. |
RiskManagementCategory is mandatory. |
RiskManagementCategory does not exist in Amlyze |
Given RiskManagementCategory not supported for Customer |
SourceOfRiskLevel is mandatory. Values: IMPORT, EVALUATE |
Cannot demote existing customer to Lead riskManagementCategory |
EntityType is mandatory. |
When importing, CustomerStatus is mandatory. |
When source of risk level IMPORT. ‘Lead’ risk management category is forbidden |
When source of risk level IMPORT. RiskLevel is mandatory, values: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, EXTREME |
When source of risk level EVALUATE. RiskLevel can’t be provided |
ApplicationDate is mandatory |
ClosingDate is mandatory for CLOSED CustomerStatus |
ClosingDate can not exist for not CLOSED CustomerStatus |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: |
For INDIVIDUAL type customer |
Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: |
For ORGANIZATION type customer |
Problem with field for INDIVIDUAL type customer. CitizenshipCountry not found in amlyze |
InitialDepositCurrency not found in amlyze |
BirthCountry not defined in Amlyze |
CitizenshipCountry not defined in Amlyze |
SecondCitizenshipCountry not defined in Amlyze |
PermanentResidenceCountry not defined in Amlyze |
Problem with field for INDIVIDUAL type customer. |
FieldOfActivity.Student.Country is invalid |
PensionCountry is invalid |
registrationCountry is invalid |
registrationCountry must exist in Amlyze |
LegalForm must exist in Amlyze |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. |
TurnoverType is mandatory |
TurnoverType must exist in amlyze |
At least one value must be specified (FROM, TO) |
Problem with DeclaredTurnover (index: ). |
PaymentPurposeType does not exist in Amlyze |
TurnoverDirection is invalid |
Problem with PaymentPurpose (index: ). |
ServiceType not found in Amlyze |
Problem with OrderedService (index: ). |
Problem with Customer Contact index = . |
Problem with Customer BusinessEntityDocument index = . |
Problem with relatedEntity (index: ). |
Problem with relatedEntities. |
Problem with Address (index: ). |
screening process is undefined: |
PaymentCountry can’t be empty |
PaymentCountry not found in Amlyze |
TurnoverDirection is invalid |
Problem with PaymentCountry (index: ). |
IntroductionSource not found in amlyze |
Problem with IntroductionSource (index: ). |
Problem with IncomeSource (index: ). |
AppealReasonType is mandatory and can’t be empty |
AppealReasonType is mandatory and must be defined in Amlyze |
Problem with ListAppealReason (index: ). |
Problem with activity (index: ). |
Problem with RegionOfActivity (index: ). |
CountryOfTaxPayment can’t be empty |
CountryOfTaxPayment not found in Amlyze |
CountryOfTaxPayment (index: ). |
Problem with CountryOfActivity (index: ). |
Title is mandatory |
RegistrationCountry is mandatory |
LegalForm is mandatory |
FirstName is mandatory |
LastName is mandatory |
Bad value for TIMESTAMP (format: ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ’) valueCode: lastonlinesupport |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: CompanyAssetValue |
Problem with field for INDIVIDUAL type customer. CitizenshipCountry not found in amlyze |
When source of risk level IMPORT. ‘Lead’ risk management category is forbidden |
Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: LastName |
Screening process is undefined: NOT_EXISTS |
Problem with Address (index: 0 ). Country is mandatory and must exist in Amlyze |
Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: SecondCitizenshipCountry |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Relation type is mandatory |
Problem with PaymentCountry (index: 0 ). PaymentCountry not found in Amlyze |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: NumberOfEmployees |
Bad value for BOOLEAN (values: true false’) valueCode: isvip |
ApplicationDate is mandatory |
CustomerExtId is mandatory |
Problem with Customer BusinessEntityDocument index = 0 . DocumentIssueCountry is mandatory and must exist in Amlyze |
CountryOfTaxPayment (index: 0 ). CountryOfTaxPayment not found in Amlyze |
RiskManagementCategory does not exist in Amlyze |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: LicenseDescription |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: NumberOfAudits |
Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: FirstName |
CountryOfTaxPayment (index: 0 ). CountryOfTaxPayment not found in Amlyze |
PermanentResidenceCountry not defined in Amlyze |
PensionCountry is invalid |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: RegionOfActivityDescription |
BirthCountry not defined in Amlyze |
ClosingDate can not exist for not CLOSED CustomerStatus |
ClosingDate is mandatory for CLOSED CustomerStatus |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Problem with BusinessEntityDocuments (index: 0 ). EntityType is mandatory. values : INDIVIDUAL, ORGANIZATION |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Problem with Contact (index: 0 ). ContactDetails is mandatory |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: Title |
Bad value for INTEGER valueCode: number_users |
For ORGANIZATION type customer Title is mandatory |
EntityType is mandatory |
Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: PermanentResidenceCountry |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: LegalForm |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: ThirdPartyServicesUsedDescription |
Field not allowed for ORGANIZATION. Field: BirthCountry |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: GIIN |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Relation type is not defined in Amlyze |
Cannot update not existing customer, use Action = CREATE |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Country not defined in Amlyze |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). EntityType is mandatory |
RegistrationCountry must exist in Amlyze |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 0 ). Problem with Contact (index: 0 ). ContactType is mandatory. values: MOBILEPHONE, FIXEDPHONE, EMAIL, WEBSITE |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: EstablishmentDate |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: PeriodsOfAuditsInYears |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. Problem with relatedEntity (index: 1 ). bad value for BOOLEAN (values: true false’) valueCode: is_related_to_Lithuania |
Field not allowed for INDIVIDUAL. Field: OrganizationalStructureDescription |
RiskManagementCategory is mandatory |
Problem with field for ORGANIZATION type customer. |